My last post was in January and it is already May! Where has the time gone? Wait I know, chasing Carden Elizabeth around trying to keep her little hands out of trouble! Here’s a recap of the past few months:
•Valentine’s Weekend we found out that we were expecting Baby D #2 in October. We were thrilled and shocked by the news that I was pregnant, especially since it took so long for us to get pregnant with CE. The kids will be 22 months apart. We have no plans to take on any major renovation projects during this pregnancy!

•In February, CE was diagnosed with esotropia, where her right eye turns inward making her cross eyed. As a result she now wears the cutest little wire framed glasses to help strengthen the eye muscle. We will follow up with a specialist in September at the Callahan Eye Foundation Hospital at UAB in Birmingham to determine if surgery will be a better option than having her continue to wear the glasses. At her recent follow up appointment our Pediatric Ophthalmologist could see an improvement in her eye from just the few short weeks of her wearing the glasses, so we are hopefully that surgery will not be needed.
•In April, we managed to take a short, much needed family vacation to Orange Beach. It was CE’s first beach trip and at first she wasn’t a fan. She trembled with fear when we put her down on the sand the first few times. It took her about two hours of playing on the blanket under the umbrella before she was even remotely interested in playing in the sand and it took a lot of encouragement from mommy and daddy. We had a great time—the weather was perfect, the seafood was amazing, and we were able to get plenty of much needed rest and relaxation.

•CE has now moved up to the Toddler Room at Miss Marcia’s so that means we have to get to know all new teachers and kids. I know she is going to do great! The kids just seem so much older and bigger than her—I just don’t want her to get hurt.
•Huntsville is experiencing a Baby Boom! We recently welcomed two new friends into our life—Julia Grace Moran and Hannah Ryan Pillsbury. Both are absolutely beautiful and we couldn’t be happier for their parents. Now we are waiting on the arrivals of Baby Cater, Baby Wallace, and Baby Franklin (in Nashville).
•We love watching CE learn and grow. She has mastered her animal sounds and we continue to work on colors and everyday words such as please and thank you. And boy is she curious. She is into everything, cabinets, drawers, unrolling the toilet paper off the roll, and chasing Pearl around the house. We can’t turn out back on her for more than a minute.