Thursday, September 3, 2009

8 Months and a Girls' Trip to the Beach

Carden Elizabeth turned 8 Months Old on August 19th and her slacker mother is very late with the posting—time just escapes me! She has moved up from the infant room at Miss Marcia’s into the Creeper Room. She is adjusting very well to being with older babies; it is taking me a little longer to make the adjustment. I’m just not ready for her grow up so quickly. I’m just glad that her friend Mollie moved up with her, so Carden Elizabeth isn’t the youngest one in the class. She is starting to learn things from some of the older babies—like how to squeal at the top of her lungs, make all kinds of grunting/growling sounds, and blow bubbles with her mouth—I’m thinking the little boys are responsible for teaching her this un-lady behavior. She has mastered saying DaDa and we occasionally get an MMMMMM out of her but usually it is when she is upset. She is good about letting you know who she wants to hold her by reaching out to that person and I’m happy to say it is usually for me! That’s payback for her first word being DaDa! We’ve been working on Bye Bye and waving our hand. Can’t say Bye Bye, but is starting to imitate us when we wave.

Carden and Daddy bonded while I took off for a 4 day girl’s trip to Orange Beach. This was the longest I’ve been away from Carden and I did surprisingly well (thanks to the cocktails!) We couldn’t have asked for more perfect weather—the condo on the other hand was another story. If you are ever in the Orange Beach area, you must go to the Flora-Bama. It is a bar but it looks more like a shanty town on the Florida-Alabama State line. Go with an open mind, don’t over dress because you’ll stand out, and be sure to drink a Bushwacker! The Flora-Bama also has an interesting bra collection, which none of us added to.
It was so nice to get away from all the stresses of work and just enjoy some down time with the girls!

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