Thursday, September 24, 2009

9 Month Update

9 Months! I’ll be planning Carden Elizabeth’s 1 year birthday before I know it. Recently I had a freak out moment about being a working mother and what do you do when you baby is in 1st grade and gets out for three weeks at Christmas. What do you do? Luckily my parents live locally, so they can help out but what do people do that don’t have any relatives that live near by? Can you sign up for day care to watch them just on holiday breaks? Do moms have to take a leave of absence from their jobs? Thankfully I don’t have to answer these questions next week—right now I just have to make sure I have enough vacation time to cover the times that Miss Marcia’s will be closed over the upcoming holidays.

Carden is on the verge of crawling! She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. We’ve had a couple of nose dives into the floor but nothing that has left any bumps or bruises.

Bath time continues to be one of her favorite activities. I’ve heard so many horror stories about babies being terrified of the bath--we’ve had a couple of melt downs when we’ve pulled her out of the bath. I’m thankful that we aren’t trying to wash her hair while she is screaming mad.

We are heading up to Knoxville for the UT v. Auburn Game. We are looking forward to catching up with old friends. I’ve ordered Carden a cute UT Dress from the Etsy website to wear on game day.


Kim said...

Hope to see you there! Jason and I are coming in that weekend too!

LOVE the dress for Miss Carden!

Anna said...

Anna (Callahan) Smith here, fellow AXO. Just wanted to give you an FYI that most schools have aftercare programs that remain open during the summer and other holidays. Not that you need to worry about this now, but if it will ease your mind...

P.S. Your little girl is sooo cute!

Anna said...

I guess I should've said that those aftercare programs provide all day care during the summer and holidays.