Friday, July 4, 2008

Old Wives' Tales

Went to the OB/GYN on 27 June 08 and this time Jason went with me just so he could hear the heartbeat. He missed out the last time and wasn’t going to miss out again! According to old wives' tales, if your baby's heart rate is high, above 140 beats per minute, that means you're carrying a girl. A lower heart rate below 140 bpm means you're having a boy. The first time we heard the heartbeat is was in the 170 range and today is was in the 150s—so the signs point to a girl. But if we listen to the one about the Dad gaining weight then you’re having a boy and if he’s not you’re having a girl—then we are having a boy! And no, we are not having fraternal twins. I’m just at the point where I am ready to know the sex of Baby Dilocker so we can start doing fun stuff like decorating the nursery!
I’ve developed a new pregnancy related symptom—heart burn. This just started, but nothing that Tums can’t take care of. I can’t complain since I was lucky enough to make it into my second trimester with no morning sickness!


Anonymous said...

Well, I don't believe any of those old wives tales now - Amelia's heartrate was consistently in the 130's, which is supposed to be a boy....and Matt definitely gained weight along with me! ;)
Here's one predictor that DID work for me, oddly enough, if you wanna try it: get Jason to wrap a spoon and a fork in a washcloth, and put each one under a different chair (side by side). Then you come in, pick a chair, and sit; if you sit in the chair over the fork, you're having a boy, and if you choose the spoon, you're having a girl. This worked for me and 2 of my friends, and the friend who told me about it learned it at her dr's office - he had all his patients do it before the ultrasound, and said it was right like 99% of the time. Fun to try anyway! :)

Nicole said...

My favorite "boy or girl" site was this one:

and Heartburn means hair, which was very true for Audrey!!

I can't wait to hear what you're having! I'm gathering my winter baby girl stuff for you!! :)

Courtney said...

I am envisioning boy, Carden. With a cool name like Fisher or something....with big curly hair and cool baby overalls. That is what I am thinking :)

rebecca said...

Heartburn definitely means lots of hair :)
The Chinese Birth Chart was right all three times for me and both times for my sisters!

Anonymous said...

I had heartburn enough to kill a person and Maggie had zero hair until she was about 4. She made Brandi's daughter look like she had tons of hair.